Dear Parents and Carers,

I trust this letter meets you well.  I am writing to introduce myself and to explain what we as a Governing body do, and to let you know a little of what we are currently doing to both support the school and staff, and our plans moving forward.

My name is Carl Hart, and I have taken on the role of Chair of Governors after Carl Brewin has decided to step down. Carl has led the governors over the last four years, helping the senior lead team to steer the school in the right direction and influencing successes in our school across many areas during a very challenging time.  I have worked with Carl and the Governing body for nearly three years; This has given me an in-depth knowledge of the school and insight into the amazing way the staff and parents work together to make our school successful.

 The Governing body exists to serve four main purposes.  These are to:

  • support the headteacher and staff to alleviate as much pressure from their very busy work lives as possible.
  • ensure the school has a clear vision, direction, and ethos
  • hold the headteacher to account for the educational success of the pupils and the school itself
  • to oversee the financial performance of the school in these very challenging times to ensure that the money the school receives is spent wisely.

You can find out more about us individually and what we do on the school website – and put some names to faces.

Whilst we continue to work closely with the senior leadership team to steer the school in a new direction, what is paramount and remains our core focus is the educational and personal development of our pupils.

Our school curriculum and culture is subjected and guided by our six core values; CommunityPrideEmpathyHappiness,Individuality & Creativity.

These values are instilled in our pupils daily to govern their individual behaviour and to build and develop their characters as future leaders of our country.

We expose our pupils to a diverse group of individuals from all walks of life in various careers and professions, who share our values; This is to open and expand their horizons of possibilities and to set them on a trajectory to harness their gifts and talents to fulfil their potential.

I also want to say a huge thank you to all the staff at our school. Over this last two years which have been challenging and difficult for all the school community. The staff have worked tirelessly, adapting to all the new ways of working. You as parents and carers have also adapted through this extremely difficult time as well, and I want to thank you on behalf of the governors and the school for your continued support.

Our school community is incredible, and it is when parents, carers and the school come together we can achieve the great success for our pupils and the wider community.

Please feel free to chat with us when you see us at drop off and pick up times at school or during our parent’s coffee mornings.


Yours Sincerely

Carl Hart, Chair of Governors