Computing at Comber Grove

Our computing curriculum equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. We use the ‘Switched On’ Rising Stars computing programme to deliver most of our bespoke computing lessons.

The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. The approach ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


Please click on the links below for more:

In line with the National Curriculum, we focus on developing programming skills through exciting programs, such as Scratch, while embedding digital English skills alongside curriculum activities across the whole school. Children have access to laptops and iPads for each computing lesson.

Please take a look at our Online Safety page which offers advice and support for parents and carers about potential online and digital dangers.

If you would like to peruse the Rising Stars curriculum, please feel free to follow the link below.

Online Safety:

Please take a look at our Online Safety page which offers advice and support for parents and carers about potential online and digital dangers.

Online Safety – Comber Grove Primary School


The children combine their skills within the Rising Stars curriculum with their computer literacy capabilities. For example, in year 5, the children have spent the last term creating fantastic drawings using Inkscape (part of the Rising Stars Curriculum). On top of that, they have also created compelling PowerPoint presentations in Topic and created graphs in Science.

Year 1 and 2:
  • I can follow instructions.
  • I can record a set of instructions.
  • I can program a toy.
  • I can give instructions.
  • I know what input, program and output mean for a robot toy.
  • I can give examples of input, program and output.
  • I can create a program.
  • I can spot and correct mistakes in a program (debug).
  • I can predict where a set of instructions will take a toy or person.
  • I can look for ways to make a program work better.
Year 3 and 4:
  • I can design an interactive educational game.
  • I can develop an interactive educational game.
  • I can put Scratch blocks in the right order.
  • I can use the if/then/else block correctly.
  • I can use the random number block and use variables to work out the score.
  • I can include sound in my game.
  • I can correct mistakes in my game.
  • I can plan my own way to program my game.
  • I can use a countdown timer.
  • I can use the mouse to control my game.
  • I can explain how the algorithm of my game works.
Year 5 and 6:
  • I can sketch my ideas for the design of my app.
  • I can create screen layouts for my app using a wire framing tool.
  • I can think about how people will use my app as I design it.
  • I can see how important it is that everyone should be able to use an app.
  • I can find media assets (e.g. buttons or backgrounds) for my app.
  • I can sketch my ideas for user-friendly design of my app.
  • I can try to design my app so that anyone should be able to use it.
  • I can create my own media assets for my app.
  • I can explain how different parts of my app will work together.
  • I can create user-friendly screen layouts for my app using a wire framing tool.
  • I can create an attractive design to suit the way people will use my app.
  • I can follow examples of good design to make sure anyone can use my app.