Comber Grove Governing Body

The role of the Comber Grove governing body, like all school governing bodies, is to ensure that the school delivers high standards of achievement within a broad and balanced curriculum for every child.

This involves:

  • Ensuring clarity of the schools’ vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Head Teacher and Leadership team to account by monitoring the educational performance of the schools and their pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure the funding is well spent, by seeking value for money and targeting resources to areas that will best help your children achieve their full potential.

All the governors sit on one of two committees – resources, or curriculum and standards. Some have a specific area of oversight and are known as link governors.

We also try and visit school as often as possible to see for ourselves how the school is functioning. We do this by meeting with subject leaders, attending some staff training, observing in class, being involved in workshops and assemblies and attending parent’s evenings when appropriate.

The governors come from a range of backgrounds and have different skills, but we could not do our job without the expertise of the Headteacher, Leadership Team, Staff Governors and all the amazing staff at Comber Grove Primary.

We all want to give your children the best possible chance to succeed in life and we believe with the right commitment from everyone, the children, the governors, the staff and yourselves, we will forge a dynamic partnership that will enable this to happen.

To find out more about what a governor does, CLICK HERE.

Shadab Ahmed (Chair of Governors)
Hatice Gungor (Parent Governor Vice Chair)

Meet our Governors

Lee Strong

I joined the governing body at Comber Grove Primary School as a parent governor in September 2019. My eldest child had just left Comber Grove to start her secondary school journey, after experiencing some wonderful times here. My youngest child is in year 1 and he enjoys school very much. I believe he will prosper at Comber Grove. My personal circumstances allowed an opportunity for me to have more time at home, become a lot more engaged with my children’s education and find ways to support the school.

This led to me being elected parent governor, which I am tremendously proud of. I have had the opportunity to understand the daily going-ons at the school, which has led to wider understanding of the education system. Seeing first hand at how hard all the staff at Comber Grove work in giving the children a very high standard of education, whilst keeping an open mind on all the diverse needs of all the children has been fantastic. At Comber Grove, we are proud that there is such wide diversity of different ethnic backgrounds who attend the school, bringing a richness of culture to our school community. I feel truly honoured of being part of such a nurturing environment for children starting their first years of education.

After taking time out to focus more on home life with my children, I worked in bakery, and learnt how to make many different kinds of breads cakes and delicious treats. Despite this, keeping healthy is a must for me, which is why my favourite hobbies are swimming, running and a daily bike ride with the family – and of course – a cheeky catch up with my friends too.

Joanne Fielding: Staff Governor

I joined Comber Grove in 1998 and have taught various year groups. I am currently teaching year 2.  I am also the K.S.1 Lead and the ECT induction tutor, which I very much enjoy. I am passionate about supporting those teachers who are new to the profession.

When I am not at school, I enjoy reading and gardening. I am currently working with some colleagues to create a garden area in our school grounds.

I decided to become a governor because I wanted to find other ways that I could contribute to the school. I am proud to work at Comber Grove and look forward to working with a strong team to ensure the school’s continued success.

Nikky Ehinlanwo

I became a Local Authority governor at Comber Grove in October 2019. I am an Executive Secretary at the Department of Health and Social Care supporting the Deputy Chief Nurse and as a project lead support officer. I’m a mother of one.

I am from Nigerian heritage and grew up both in the South East and South West London, where I went to a primary school and university. In my career I have faced many challenges and biases so can relate and identify some of the challenges parents face,  today I’m a fully qualified Administrator with over twenty years experience both in the public and private sector.

I live locally and enjoy the cultural diversity and wonderful cuisine in and around Peckham and Camberwell. I am passionate about sharing my experiences and challenges with the staff and children at Comber Grove. When I first arrived at the School, I was struck by how enthusiastic and compassionate the school staff were including challenges,I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of people most especially challenges in various ways as I’ve been through it and today a voice for many,  I am really excited about being a governor at Comber Grove and looking forward to working with the children.

Hatice Gungor

Hi, my name is Hatice and I became a Parent Governor at Comber Grove in October 2021.

I have a Degree in Business Information Technology and an MSC in Computer Science. I used to work in a American company as an Email-Marketing Assistant and I now run two network marketing sales too keep me busy (because that’s just who I am –  cant stop being busy!). I have 3 children attending Comber Grove Primary School, in all three phases (Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). I love being involved with our wonderful school and the community; I wish to serve for many more years.

I am so proud to be a Parent Governor at Comber Grove Primary School!

Interested in becoming a governor?

If you are interested in becoming a governor at our school, you can contact us via either school office:

To contact our Chair of Governors, please email the main office email above initially.

Our Governing Body:

  • Sarah Cooper (Clerk of Governors)
  • Shadab Ahmed (Chair of Governors)
  • Hatice Gungor (Parent Governor Vice Chair)
  • Nikky Ehinlanwo (Co-Opted Governor)
  • Joanne Fielding (Staff Governor)
  • Judene Anchebe (Staff Governor)
  • Lee Strong Parent Governor)
  • Milla Schams (Co-Opted Governor)
  • Alexandra Khmelinskaya (Co-Opted Governor)
  • Meghan Brown (Co-Opted Governor)
  • Grace Oduja (Co-Opted Governor)
  • Dr Amber Hawkley (LA Governor)
  • Lorram Black (ex-officio Governor)
  • Susan Roberts (ex-officio Governor)

Register of Interests

The Governing Body Register and declaration of business interests can be viewed via the link below.